Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So long 2011!

Another year, another try at a website hosting my holiday letter.  I apologize for the lateness of this letter.  The holiday and post-holiday season seem to just tackle me.  I never believed it would be February before I got done.

Highlights of 2011:

The biggest thing that happened to all of us is that Joel had surgery on his back for the second time in his life.  He's had issues with the muscles in his legs that had been getting worse.  We had been taking a wait and see attitude, but without improvement, he made the hard decision to let them go back inside.  It turned out the dermoid tumor from his youth (which is benign) had returned.  They didn't know this for sure, though they guessed at it, until they had opened him up.  We are thankful that the surgery went well and after so many years, his leg muscles have stopped moving constantly.  Recovery is still on-going, but you don't open up a 40 year old and expect him to bounce back like his 16 year-old self.  We are still taking our time before we take any trips longer than an hour in the car.

Joel's work was very good about the time off that he needed.  My work was accommodating as well.  We did our best through the summer.  I did take the kids over Easter to see my sister and her family at my parents'.  My brother got engaged New Year's Eve 2010 and sealed the deal in May.  He and his wife had a family reception in June in Iowa City, so just me and the kids traveled again.  I saw one of my cousins and her family during that time as well, then drove my sister and her youngest daughter back with me to my house for a week of togetherness leading up to my 40th birthday.

 Ah, forty!  It really is no big deal.  But worthy to mark the occasion.  I got my very first tattoo.  Crazy, yes, but heck, I'm forty, when else am I going to do it?  I also had a nice celebration in a park.  Though Joel was still rather bed ridden, just under a month after his surgery he made the trip to the park and hung out with me, my friends (and especially a surprise visit from Chicago-area friends) and my brother and sister and their families who all made a special trip for my birthday.  It was fabulous to have everyone join me.

Another thing that I decided to take up is serious road biking.  A new bike shop opened in town, offered spinning classes, and new shiny Trek bikes.  Guess what my birthday present was?  A new bike with lots of accessories.  New biking clothes, bike shoes, the works.  I've gotten up to 20 miles in a single ride, but I have a lot of work ahead of me, as my main goal was to go on RAGBRAI 40 this coming year!  As one of my friends said, "It's like Mecca for Iowans.  They have to do it once in their lifetime."  I agree and am looking forward to that sweaty hot Iowa ride.  My biggest reason for going is I want to say I've dipped my tires in the Missouri and the Mississippi.

The other cool thing I've done for myself is get a smart phone.  My sister had one, my brother had one, I was holding off, but found that I really needed a phone and a calendar all in one. Access to email, Facebook and other things is great.  After doing that, I've decided it's good for portability, but now I want an iPad too, for using on the couch.  I have been sucked in by electronics.

Willem and Alice have been busy, busy beavers and we've done well keeping up with them along with Joel's recovery.  Alice finished second grade with no problems.  She had a great dance recital that her grandparents (Joel's parents) got to see.  She finally learned how to ride her bike, which is entirely my fault, because I just never bothered to get her off the training wheels and doing it.  She wanted to ride so much this year, but she can't quite keep up with all of us yet.  She took summer school and was old enough to be in a class with her brother, much to his chagrin.  Alice started third grade in the fall and loves school and Boys and Girls Club after school.  Like her brother, she's been identified for the talented and gifted program and surprised me after the fact at the end of her week-long course with a paper stating that she was in it.  Neither of my kids tell me about school work.  One of the bigger changes is that she's decided she's done with her My Little Ponies, which she has sold or given away and is now very keen on LEGOs of her own.  We and Santa have tried to get her some that are to her liking, but she is discouraged that much of what's out there doesn't click with some of her "girl's" taste.  And she is offended by the new "girl" LEGOs.  She'd prefer they stay similar to their usual LEGO people, just with more girl colors and more girl LEGO people.

Willem has transitioned from elementary to middle school.  He seems to have handled it much better than his mother.  He was chosen for accelerated learning in his language arts and does an on-line course for it, which seems to be right up his computer-interest alley.  He has good and maybe not so good teachers, but he's handling his courses well.  We were at a loss of what to do with him after school.  We started with him going to the library, using an old TracFone to keep in contact with us, but after losing the phone, we had to regroup and make new decisions.  We were lucky to find an afterschool middle school location near the school and he now goes there every day of the week.  He continues to play baritone and has signed up to do a solo at a regional solo and ensemble competition, which few sixth graders get to do.  He also surprised us this year with an interest in the youth triathlon.  He signed up for all the training sessions, and then did it.  He wasn't last, which was his goal, though I think he wished he'd done a little better.  It turns out running is his strong suit, but he was so pleased with himself, he is going to do it this coming year.  A bit of a conflict, because it is the last day of RAGBRAI.  Joel will have to get video.

Joel is still at Rock County Historical Society as director.  He held a successful Tallman Arts Festival and has bigger plans for the coming year.  After a hiatus, he's back into playing D&D once a week.  I'm doing spinning classes this winter and have started a weight training program as well, which has actually helped me with some tendonitis in my shoulder.

We want to wish everyone a happy 2012.  I am sure it is off to a great start.  I hope it is at least better organized than my 2011.  The smartphone can't do everything for me.  Please keep in touch via emails and Facebook.  I do enjoy hearing about everyone's ups and downs in life.

Jenn along with Joel, Willem, and Alice